I knew I was going to miss the creative outlet of making their costumes, so I really went all out in 1987. I made my twins into Pierrot dolls. If you've never heard of them, click this link for some images of Pierrot dolls.
Here's a picture of my girls in their costumes:
Aren't they stinkin' gorgeous? I bought a clown costume pattern to sew their outfits out of black and deep pink/fuschia. The ruffles around their neck were made from the same color pink satin,only that fabric had silver sparkles all over it. I also made them little black skull caps. I tied their long, dark hair up on top of their heads and pinned the little caps on. I painted their faces white and added some of the eye makeup characteristic of Pierrot dolls. If you look closely you can see a blue tear painted on each right cheek. I did take a photo of them looking very sad, but that photo has disappeared from our album. I wonder which one of them I should blame for that! LOL
Making my kids' costumes each year was as fun for me as it was for them. I just wish I had taken more photos!!!
Now onto something a little less lovely. To decorate our door for the trick or treaters this year, I decided to stretch some webbing across it. In the center of the webbing is this little beauty:
Thanks for stopping by today, and remember to laugh--a little or a lot--every day!