Wish List

Friday, December 28, 2018

Forgotten Easter cards...

I was browsing through my files of 2018 card photos, reminiscing about some of the cards I had made during the year, when I came upon a file of forgotten Easter cards. They were cards I had made for the thrift store to sell--something I am planning on doing again in 2019.

I knew it was a never-used batch of photos, because I had not so much as cropped them to a more usable size--something I always do before posting them.

So anyway, here are three of the cards from that file:

These are very simple designs, but fun to make. I love making paper flowers, so I was in my element with these cards.

The flowers, leaves and oval were all made with unbranded dies.

The double-scallop edge was made with a Martha Stewart border punch.

This card features another unbranded die. I cut it out of green first, and then cut it again out of purple. I cut the purple flowers away from the rest of it and layered them on top of the green die-cut, finishing them off with a tiny pearl.

This card was made using the same tools as the first one.

These simple designs actually sold quite well last Easter. I hope my 2019 cards sell equally well. It's fun to help the store make a few extra dollars to support its food shelf and community outreach.

We are hunkered down this weekend as we steel ourselves for the cold weather that is coming our way. We may have a sub-zero day tomorrow. Brrrr!

Thanks so much for stopping by, and remember to laugh--a little or a lot--every day.


  1. Oh how fun to "find" cards. Love your paper flowers - I have a few flower dies and really need to use them. These will go over great at the thrift store. I have to put away my Christmas stamps/and stuff today and I guess think about Valentines day.

  2. They are all so pretty! Glad you found them and shared them. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


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