Wish List

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A lovely Christmas surprise...

A few days ago, I received a lovely Christmas surprise in the mail. I am a faithful follower of Helen's blog at "It's All Fiddlefart," and she was incredibly kind to remember me at Christmas with a beautiful card and, not one, but TWO handcrafted Christmas ornaments!
Her card was absolutely gorgeous! I had admired it when she posted it (or a similar one) on her blog. So much detail! So much love and care packed into its creation. It's even prettier IRL, and I keep going to my card basket to pull it out and look at it. This one is going in the "save forever" box as a reminder of this kind and generous online friend.

Also included in my little gift package was this adorable gingerbread man to hang on my Christmas tree. Isn't he the cutest? He makes me smile just to look at him. He'll have a place of prominence on our tree from this point forward.

Finally, Helen also included one of her bottle cap nativity scenes. Through the comment section on her blog, I had admired her ability to create these lovely little scenes in miniature, and wondered how she could make such tiny figures so perfectly.

After I took this photo, I was amazed at how the teensy little star she had added in the background seemed to glow with a light all its own.

This ornament will also have a special place on our Christmas tree. It will remind me to follow Helen's example and practice random acts of kindness and generosity.

Thank you, Helen, for this fabulous surprise. It truly made my day! I hope that you and all your loved ones have a spectacular 2015 and that this kindness is returned to you many-fold!

Thank you so much for stopping by, and remember to laugh--a little or a lot--every day.


  1. What a wonderful surprise! Happy New Year Cheryl!

  2. What a lovely surprise for you Cheryl. I'm also a follower of Helen's blog. She is a lovely talented(and funny) lady. I look forward to seeing more of your great cards in 2015. Happy New Year.


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