Wish List

Sunday, October 7, 2012

What a lovely pin cushion...

I have three of the most talented sisters in the world. I am always amazed at what they can do. The older of my two younger sisters made this lovely pin cushion for me.
Isn't it one of the prettiest pin cushions you've ever seen? And it's all one unit.  She adhered the cup to the saucer. This gives it great stability, but not only that, it provides a space to put a couple of sewing items you may be using at the time.

See  what I mean in the picture on the left?  She told me that she had to hunt and hunt to find just the right cup - one that she felt would be just right for me. Well, she hit the nail on the head with this one. I love the dramatic colors--I can be a bit of a drama queen, but don't tell anyone. I'm hoping my sisters haven't really noticed that. LOL

She also took great pains to find just the right embellishments - including the pretty trim around the edge, the little white flowers and a pretty black vintage button.  You can see that button in the next photo. Just click on any of the photos for a little closer look.

I think she pretty much used her hot glue gun to adhere everything. You can be sure, if I had done this, there would be blobs and glue strings showing all over it!

Thank you, Deb, for this beautiful gift! I will treasure it and, more importantly, use it! Do you think people would think I've gone a little nuts if I keep it on my dining room table? It just seems too pretty to put downstairs by my sewing machine!

Thanks for stopping by today, and remember to laugh--a little or a lot--every day.


  1. Love, love, LOVE it!!! Wow! We're a crafty bunch! :)

  2. Wow, she is talented for sure Cheryl! This is BEAUTIFUL!


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